Sunday, February 20, 2011

Darn winter!

Today we were supposed to finish building two huts we started three days ago. Mother Nature stuck her nose in where it didn't belong and hosed us. Its so bad at present that it even halted our training. At least the ride back to camp will be small arms, IED, and RPG free! The other picture was taken yesterday. The temp was a little chilly, but there wasn't any snow to contend with.
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Monday, February 7, 2011

One of many.

Laptops are almost essential for release and to alleviate boredom. I have a little stand made up of my foot locker and heater meal boxes for me and my bunk neighbor to use as our computer center. Right now we are all on Modern Warfare, making teams and killing each other. Its great fun with everybody hollering at being shot. I finally got my laptop running at optimal performance. Its been a pain re-installing everything, but it has been well worth it.
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Friday, February 4, 2011

A tired Soldier

Yesterday we had a loooong day at the range. We didn't get finished until the wee hours of the morning. Some soldiers were so tired, they pretty much fell asleep as they wore, kind of like this poor guy. We had some down time earlier while waiting for our turn, so I took my nap then. I learned long ago that power naps during the day can do wonders for keeping me awake and alert, no matter the time of night. Unfortunately, I'm not a morning person, so I'm always a little slow starting out.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Missing my fourth baby!

I realized today, or rather it sunk in finally, that I won't be driving my truck for a loooooong while. For those that don't know I spent the better part of two years in that vehicle. Countless hours driving back and forth from Fargo to where-ever my job site was. Even more hours driving it around the job site, and yes even lived in it when the need arose. Watching it drive away with my children waving out of the back window was truly one of the saddest moments in my life. Some of the happiest times I had where in that truck while laughing, joking, and singing to the radio with my kids. I can't wait to see them waving to me from the windshield when they pick me up after this deployment ends :)
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