Friday, May 20, 2011

Communications Tower

So yesterday morning, my squad finished a small communications tower for our TOC. The project basically spanned three days, but on the first day we didn't do anything more then gather up some materials and tools. They finally got the blue prints to me at the end of the day. By then it was late enough I said forget it and start the next day. As it turned out, two other squads were working on a double door for the warehouse portion at the PX and were having a terrible time of it. The concrete structures over here are a little different then we are all used to. Couple that with not having the proper saws and or blades and it equals a not so fun time. Those poor guys worked on it until 2 am before they shut it down. It needed to get done as soon as possible, so my Platoon Sergeant pulled my squad off the comms tower and had us finish the door. So anyway, yesterday was able to get back to the tower. We had it completly built by lunch, but then it got really hot out, so we chilled til the evening and set it on the roof. Then next morning (yesterday) finished anchoring it down and put the communication gear on it. So anyway. There it is. Turned out pretty decent I think :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

A day on the Job

One of the things that helps the day go a little faster is listening to music. The boys were just about finished with the ceiling in the big room and decided to cut loose. I'm surprised I was able to hold the phone still because I was laughing so hard. I'm working with a great bunch of guys, and things like this helps keep the sanity. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Day Trip

Today I got to go on convoy to another FOB that had part of one of our squads there working on building it up. Its basically built on a cliff as you can see in the first picture. I liked the formation and it looks like eventually the column that is in the picture is gonna take a fall like the one just beneath it did.

I don't always like to take pictures of myself, but I know my kids like to see me in them, so today was a treat in that I took not one but two. The one below was a self picture taken in the MRAP while we were getting ready to head back home.

This one was taken on the cliff. I liked the view below and the mountians, vegatation and even the heat reminded me very much of Arizona. I know it sounds cliche, but I am pretty sure I'm gonna move there when I retire.