Friday, January 21, 2011

Just for Alex

The other night I was talking to my youngest daughter, Alex, on the phone. She was kind of sad because I don't have any recent pictures of her posted. So I went through my phone and uploaded some to my laptop of her and her older siblings. I hadn't done it sooner as I always have my phone to look at them, but don't always have the time to pull out the laptop. Its a matter of convenience. Even when I am over seas, just because I won't be able to make calls on the phone, I'll still have the pictures and associated memories. Love you guys. Miss you.

One of the things Alex loves is Polly Pockets!! I had the opportunity to play them with her one day. This is DJ Polly that I had fun making up.

Trying to be a fun Dad, on my monthly visit I would take the kids to McDonalds for icecream. Alex was the Icecream Queem, because usually she had hers inhaled before the other kids were barely down to the cone. I figured out why rather quickly. She eats her cone, as you can see Breanne in her creative genius tries to make sculptures, see the Princess?

I had the opportunity over the summer to go with Michael to Boy Scout Camp at Camp Wilderness in Minnesota. Michael overcame his fear of heights and I had to immortalize the moment at the top of the fire-tower. I told him it was about half the height of the wind towers that I climb for work. He said he wasn't quite ready for that yet. It was a great time and I treasure the memories.

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