Thursday, March 31, 2011

My March Madness :)

A bunch of guys decided to grow out a 'stache for deployent. I decided to do just mustache march. However it got to be too much of a pain to keep it trimmed up to regulation, so Mustache March ended about two weeks early.

But March had other things in store for me. Such as Mad Tan Lines March. At the time we were required to were out ACH (Advanced Combat Helmet) on the job site. Add to that the polarized glasses we wear, in addition to the fact that someone just mentions sunshine and I catch a tan, the result being silly tan lines. And of course we are always in uniform, so the chances of ever evening anything out are next to impossible. On the positive side, others, especially the very white soldiers have red lines instead of tan lines. So I can count my blessings that I have sun friendly skin pigments. :)

1 comment:

Alice said...

Bre- Your mustache is very sad, and you look silly in the other picture.